Bio of Wes and Amy Kavanagh
Wes was born and raised in Ontario. His parents were saved when he was very small, and he grew up in a Christian home, attending a Baptist church since he was 3. At the age of ten, he came under deep conviction of his sinful condition, and the Spirit’s drawing led him to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. When he was 12, he surrendered his life to full-time service. It was obvious during his teen years that Go had given him gifts in music, and so he began to develop these talents, playing piano, French horn and singing, eventually attending university for 1 year. At 19, God clearly showed him that he had a gift for preaching and teaching God’s Word. He went off to Bible College in Indiana to train for the ministry. It was there he met his lovely wife Amy, and the two were married in 1995. God has blessed them with four wonderful children: John, James, Sarah and Daniel.
Amy was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She and her family began attending Library Baptist Church when she was 8, and it was there that she heard the Gospel for the first time. As a teenager, she attended a Christian camp in southern Pennsylvania, where she came under the conviction of the Holy Spirit and gave her life to Jesus Christ. As a teen, she also served in Child Evangelism Fellowship, where she had the opportunity to teach children and discovered a passion for ministry. Upon graduation from high school, she attended Bible College in Indiana, where she met Wes.
The Lord led them to several different ministries in Ontario over the next dozen years, where they served in the youth and music ministries of these churches. In 2007, the moved to northern Alberta, where Wes was the senior pastor of a Baptist church for 2 and a half years. The Lord moved them again, this time to Edmonton, where they attended Meadowlands Baptist Church. They again served the Lord in the music and youth ministries, with Wes doing pulpit supply and teaching adult Sunday School. In the summer of 2012, Wes became the music and youth pastor of a sister church in Edmonton. Feeling a call to return to a lead/senior pastor position, he and his family returned to Ontario in 2016, where he served in pulpit supply for various churches, while taking seminary classes and obtaining a diploma in Christian Leadership. Currently, they attend Rosedale Baptist Church in Welland, Ontario, where Wes is a music worship leader, teaches a weekly small group Bible study and teaches a systematic theology class.
Wes loves to sing and play music, he plays hockey, enjoys cycling and mixed martial arts. He also loves to read, and if you can’t find him, he is either on a trail, his bike, or with his nose in a book. Amy is gifted in hospitality and as a hostess, and most times can be found baking something really yummy in the kitchen or out on a trail with Wes and their dog, Patton.
You can contact Pastor Wes at [email protected]. You can also visit his website and read his blog at

Tonya Heckler is North Ten Mile Baptist Church’s Administrative Assistant. She lives in Marianna, PA with her husband Ryan and grew up in Amity, PA. She graduated from Waynesburg College with a Bachelors degree in Accounting and Business Administration. Her goal is to help NTMBC prosper for God and lighten the load for our Pastor and congregation with her knowledge of office and financial responsibilities. She was saved on July 2, 2017 and treasures her personal walk with God